The Bramwell Brown Blog
Meet the Content Creator and their Weather Clock - Mo Hussen
This week we are meeting content creator Mo Hussen from mo.and.the.jungle.shelf
Can you tell us about yourself?
I was born in East Africa – after living in several countries in the region, and in the Middle East, I settled in East London, before coming to Coventry for study, and I never left! My partner and I are on our 5th house renovation, although earlier projects were fairly small scale. In my current house which we completely gutted and extended, and it was while starting on this project I started following some Instagram interior accounts, and having always been interested in interiors, I decided to give it a whirl – I noticed there weren’t many black men doing Instagram interiors, and still aren’t so I’m really passionate about supporting diversity on our platforms. I like mixing scandi, industrial and retro styles and absolutely insist on peppering my photos with bold colours and plants. I’m also a vase addict and have more than I can display.
What's your favourite room in your house and why?
I love my kitchen and walk in pantry. My guilty pleasure has always been cooking shows and I love how TV chefs always have kitchens that are stacked full of open shelves with pots pans and ceramics – a place to display things and to cook. We designed our kitchen with lots of places to display things, and to store our countless plate sets and glassware. Our kitchen is bathed in light, and have an island we’ve painted orange, there are over 70 plants in there, and it’s a place I love to spend time in, because it’s the room I’m most proud of.
Where do you hang your Bramwell Brown Weather Clock and why?
We have white walls in our kitchen and the black outline of the clock looks so perfect. We have a huge roof lantern so I love glancing at the clock and checking the weather and then looking up at the sky from the roof lantern, I’m always amazed how the clock knows what the weather’s doing outside.

Can you sum your Bramwell Brown Weather Clock up in three words?
Quirky, Practical and Stylish
We know that you take inspiration from your travels, can you tell us how your home reflects that?
My home reflects my travels, in fact everywhere I look I see things I’ve brought from all over the world. A vase in Tokyo, a plant pot from Madrid, a rug in Istanbul, a throw from New York and decorative bowls from Malaysia to name a few. It’s nice to have reminders from my travels and seeing how well they compliment things from the UK high street.
In the current climate we're going to be spending even more time at home, which room in your house is next on your refurb list?
Our downstairs cloakroom is quite generic, it needs an injection of colour, but we want a look that’s bold but also understated – so cladding, wallpapering and a new sink and taps are on the list!
Finally, we love mechanical/analogue objects (as you can probably tell) what mechanical/analogue items (record plays, analogue cameras etc) do you have in your home or remember from your childhood that you love(d)?
I love my coffee and I think beans ground using a hand operated coffee mill taste infinitely better that those ground in an electric mill – I think the heat from the friction in the electric one spoils the coffee.